The Benefits of Medical Grade Air Purifiers

Discover the benefits of using medical-grade air purifiers for clean and healthy indoor air. Learn about the differences between residential and medical-grade filters, and why investing in a high-quality air purifier is crucial for your health.

The Benefits of Medical Grade Air Purifiers

As an expert in the field of air purification, I have seen firsthand the impact that clean air can have on our health. With the rise of air pollution and the spread of viruses, it has become more important than ever to invest in a high-quality air purifier. But not all air purifiers are created equal. In fact, there is a significant difference between residential air purifiers and medical-grade air purifiers. So, what exactly is a medical grade air purifier? Simply put, it is a device that uses medical-grade HEPA filters to capture 99 to 97% of unwanted particles in the air.

These filters are thicker and more pleated than standard HEPA filters, creating a barrier of fibers that trap contaminants such as dust and dirt. This makes them much more effective at providing the healthiest indoor air quality possible. Medical-grade air purifiers are commonly used in hospitals, medical centers, dental offices, and other places that require the cleanest indoor environments. They are equipped with additional filters that residential air purifiers do not have, making them far superior in terms of filtration. While true HEPA filters are rated H10 to H12, medical-grade HEPA filters are classified as H13 filters and can remove up to 99.995% of particles down to 0.1 microns. But what sets medical-grade filters apart from standard HEPA filters? The answer lies in their rigorous testing process.

Before being classified as medical grade, these filters must undergo extensive testing by experts to ensure their effectiveness. This is why they are able to remove more particles than standard HEPA H11 or H12 filters, which are commonly used in residential environments. One of the most notable differences between medical-grade air purifiers and standard ones is where they are manufactured. While the majority of air purifiers on the market are made in China, IQAir stands out as the only company that manufactures its devices in Switzerland. This speaks to their commitment to quality and reliability. Another important factor to consider when choosing an air purifier is whether or not it uses ionizers.

While these devices may claim to clean the air, they can actually produce harmful pollutants such as ozone and VOCs. This is especially concerning in a hospital setting where clean air is crucial for patients' health. When it comes to capturing tiny particles like viruses, medical-grade filters are the most effective option. However, it's important to note that you must have enough airflow in your room for the filter to work properly. For a 350-square-foot room, you would need an air purifier with at least a CADR of 224 to provide 4.8 ACH (what the EPA recommends for portable air purifiers).As an expert, I continuously stress the importance of maintaining clean indoor air quality.

The relationship between airborne pollutants and biological surface pollutants (viruses, bacteria, molds, allergens) is a significant factor in the transmission of health problems in indoor environments. This is why I highly recommend using a medical-grade air purifier, as it can greatly reduce the risk of exposure to harmful particles. When it comes to choosing a medical-grade air purifier, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure it uses HEPA H13 filters, as these are considered the best option due to their high filtration efficiency and minimal airflow restriction. Additionally, be cautious of air purifiers that use UV lights, as they are not strong enough to kill viruses and can actually damage the HEPA filters. It's also important to consider the size of the room and the level of risk when selecting an air purifier.

The CDC provides a list of air change requirements for different settings, so be sure to consult this when making your decision. In conclusion, a medical-grade air purifier is an essential tool for maintaining clean and healthy indoor air. Whether you suffer from respiratory issues or simply want to ensure a safe environment for yourself and your loved ones, investing in a high-quality air purifier is a wise decision. And with companies like IQAir and Smart Air committed to transparency and providing open data, you can trust that you are getting the best possible product for your health.

Eloise Grosshans
Eloise Grosshans

Avid coffee lover. Lifelong music lover. General internet evangelist. Infuriatingly humble music advocate. Professional pop culture expert. Hardcore tea nerd.